Café News

Royal Email
The ROYAL EMAIL reading is now HALF PRICE!

Chatter Time
33% Off single sessions

Intuitive Readings
FANTASTIC OFFER! 33% off single session rate!

I Am Kingdom
The I AM Kingdom represents the divine realm of the infinite spirit in us all and the heritage of each and every one of us.

Squash says..
Shine your light and you will see that the spotlight has always been yours.. I do my best to stay positive because I am sure it gives my aura a nice glow! Love and purr peace to you all.

Time for Tea
“Everything changed the day she figured out there was enough time for all the important things in her life” ~ Brian Andreas

Performance News
Drama at the Palace! Coming soon!

Angelic Gardens
Angelic Gardens is the psychic healing retreat in the grounds of Palace Angèle.