“Shine your light and you will see that the spotlight has always been yours.. I do my best to stay positive because I am sure it gives my aura a nice glow! Love and purr peace to you all.”
Follow me on Instagram @squashcatlondon
“Shine your light and you will see that the spotlight has always been yours.. I do my best to stay positive because I am sure it gives my aura a nice glow! Love and purr peace to you all.”
Follow me on Instagram @squashcatlondon
Angelic Gardens is the psychic healing retreat in the grounds of Palace Angèle.
“I hold my head up high. it’s about gaining perspective. Zooming out to the bigger picture before zooming back in. Sometimes it looks like I am just gazing into thin air, but what I am really doing is getting a feel for a good inspiration frequency.”
33% Off single sessions
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