Welcome to the Kingdom of I Am
Home to the inspirational Palace Angèle and Gardens. International Psychic Intuitive, Spiritual Energy Healer and Performer/Artist.
Angelic Gardens
Visit the Angelic Healing Gardens. Book a variety of Psychic Intuitive Readings and Energy Healing sessions and packages. Change your life with Theta Healing, Angelic Reiki, Aura Cleansing, Spiritual Life Coaching and Soul Records Clearing.
Music & Drama
Palace Angèle has several state room collections with an arts entertainment wing overlooking the gardens for music, drama, arts, performance and stage. Visit the Gallery for archives of the many photos and images and video and audio.
Café Angèle
The quintessential café tea rooms and chat lounge for all news, updates and events at the Palace. The menu offers inspirational treats and cosmic delights and Squash the resident cat is often found wandering around speaking his words of wisdom and advice.
" I am a royal heir of life; I live in a palace of my own design"