Chatter Time


33% Off  single sessions

You would like  a confidential psychic intuitive reading/consultation, but you are unable or would prefer not to meet in person. You don’t want to talk on the phone, but you do like to chat online. You like the interactive communication.

Now on the Angelic Gardens site at Palace Angèle,  you can book 30/60/90 minute slots to chat with me about any issue.  I will link in with your energy and provide you with clarity, insight, spirit guidance and energetic healing downloads. For your 33% discount apply coupon code SOUL at checkout.

Chatter Time



Squash Cat

Squash says..

“It looks like I am just lounging about all the time, but what I am actually doing is synching myself with myself. its about being rather than doing.  I am spending time getting into alignment… Omm..”

Café News

Time for Tea

“Everything changed the day she figured out there was enough time for all the important things in her life” ~ Brian Andreas

Squash Cat

Squash says..

“I recently started my first day on Instagram.. I wanted an arty black and white picture of my front paw for my debut portrait, but at the Meow4 Models agency, they wanted to go for a more classic look.”

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