I Am Kingdom



The I AM Kingdom represents the divine realm of the infinite spirit in us all and the heritage of each and every one of us.

The great I AM pulsates through everything and at every moment a person’s reality is created through a blend of beliefs, intentions, thoughts and actions…

The words I AM are the healing power of the Universe. It’s the force from which the very universe is made. One of the most powerful affirmations in the world is I AM.

Words have power… sound is vibration.. .everything in life is vibration..

Access the power of I AM. Create a new desired reality.

We are all Kings and Queens of our own kingdoms, sovereign rulers and worthy of the crown.





Image Design: Angela Prince



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Drama at the Palace!  Coming soon!

Squash Cat

Squash says..

“It looks like I am just lounging about all the time, but what I am actually doing is synching myself with myself. its about being rather than doing.  I am spending time getting into alignment… Omm..”

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Intuitive Readings

FANTASTIC  OFFER!   33% off single session rate!

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