Angelic Garden sessions
Every Photo Tells a Story


An aura photo reading is a study of the energy, colours and information present. Gain insight into character, thoughts, feelings, attitudes and intentions. For relationships, areas of compatibility, growth and connection are looked at.


An aura photo reading is a study of the energy, colours and Information present n a person”s aura from a photograph. An overview is provided of the dominant colours in the aura, the balance and energies of the chakras ( energy centres) and the thoughts/feeling states, character,  strengths, challenges and abilities/potential.

Would you like to know more about someone”s character, thoughts, feelings, attitudes and intentions?  For two photos where there is a relationship i.e. partners /marriage, friends, employer, colleague, etc,  areas of compatibility, growth and connection are looked at.

Photo Reading of one person/single photo: £77:00

This can be of yourself or another person.

Photo reading of two people/two photos: £133:00

Potential Mates/Relationships/Friends/Employer/Employee etc.


Please send a clear recent photo ( ideally full length clothed picture or from the waist up)


This is an email service and readings are usually completed within 10 days subject to schedule.



Legal Disclaimer – REQUIREMENT ~ These services are provided for informational purposes only and no guarantees are implied or stated. Readings are not substitutes for professional, legal, financial, medical, or psychiatric advice or care.

All readings, products, and services content are subject to the client’s interpretation. Please listen very carefully to the way the information is presented to you and be careful not to project your expectations too much into the situation. Readings and guidance are given in good faith that you are a responsible adult who can make informed decisions and that you have sound judgement.

Additional information

Number of photos

1 Photo, 2 Photos

Session Type

Via Email